Discover calm and connection
Your diaphragm and pelvic floor work together to help provide stability of your spine, pressure and support to your organs, AND play a crucial role in your bodies ability to stay calm and grounded. Which means, your ability to be present and manage emotions are linked to both the health of your diaphragm AND pelvic floor.
Reconnect to your pelvic floor
Feeling disconnected or out of touch with your pelvic floor is SOOOO common. Pregnancy, birth, pelvic pain, past trauma's, and posture can all effect your ability to properly tune into your pelvic floor. `This disconnect can be physical, emotional, or energetic. Which is why working with a holistic pelvic health provider is essential.
Learn to breathe properly
The way you breathe says a ton about your ability to manage stress AND your ability to have a strong core that can withstand the pressures of daily living. Postural changes, chronic stress, pregnancy, and pain can all effect your breathing mechanics. Its essential to improving pelvic floor health!